Tuesday, 5 April 2016
The electricity bill (in French) - Arte TV 2016
In the UK, more than 40,000 extra winter deaths (EWD - statistical designation) due to energy precarity, mainly third age people who cannot afford the price of the energy bill.
The Holy Journey in Search of Prester John and Other Asian Legends
A Santa Viagem em Busca de Prestes João e Outras Lendas Asiáticas
In the UK, more than 40,000 extra winter deaths (EWD - statistical designation) due to energy precarity, mainly third age people who cannot afford the price of the energy bill.
Marcadores: News
Notes in English
Textos em português
The Holy Journey
In search of Prester John and other Asian legends
A Santa Viagem Em busca de Prestes João
e Outras Lendas Asiáticas